As everyone knows, Target is a place of joy and wonders. When you walk in for one thing, you magically walk out with 10!! No matter what, you always go back for more. Though the items can be quite pricy once all added up, we are blinded by the experience. Target’s purpose, as stated in their news blog A Bullseye View , is “to help all families discover the joy of everyday life”. I find this beautiful how they are hoping to create a joyful experience for everyone once they step foot into their doors. They offer quality brands and products customers are wanting at affordable prices. I mean it is in their motto “Expect More. Pay Less.”. I often go to Target just to look around at what they have. I will buy a coffee from the Starbucks in the store and just spends hours in there walking around. More times than not, I leave with a thing or two I did not go in for. It’s almost like you are put in a trance. When scouring Target’s social media platforms, I found that a lot of customers feel the...